Joy making perfect polka dots on her colorful pumpkin.

Tessa dressing up her stylish little pumpkin in black and white.

Crystal and her pumpkin making silly faces together.
Jesus taught an important lesson about relationships. Essentially, what He
said is that if any of us tries to improve a relationship by getting the other
person to change (working hard to get the speck out of the other person’s eye),
energies are being expended in the wrong direction. The place to begin is with
our own failures (the plank or beam in one’s own eye).
Love is something you do for someone else, not something you do for
yourself. Most of us do many things each day that do not come “naturally” for
us. For some of us, that is getting out of bed in the morning...And normally, before the day is over, we feel good about having gotten up. Our actions preceded our emotions. The same is true with love. We discover the primary love language of [someone we love] and we choose to speak it whether or not it is natural for us. You might not love the language itself, but speaking it will clearly communicate love. Love is a choice. And either [person] can start the process today.
*Remember, most times, you do not have to do every single thing yourself, so be willing to give up some of the control and ask for help. DELEGATE.
*If you have a big project or deadline, set up a reasonable time line of activities you need to perform or complete and stick to it.
*Get out! Instead of sitting at your desk eating lunch or even eating in the break room, go out for lunch with some friends and pledge NOT to talk about office issues.
*It may be impossible to leave the office to go out to lunch, so simply grab a colleague and go for a walk around the building.
*Listen to some calm, soothing music.
*Handle important tasks first and eliminate unessential tasks
*Reduce the urge to be "perfect"...Be flexible
*Avoid excess competition
*Reduce criticism
*Give yourself "me" time (but more importantly spend time with God!)
*Be cheerful, it deflates others stress and anxiety
*Silence your phone at night
*Laugh more, and often
*Remember you can only change yourself
"My favorite things was learning that boys aren't everything, and that God
is my one true love."
"I would definitely do this again because I'm not only learning more about
God...I'm doing it with my friends!"
"The Secret of Self-Worth was my favorite lesson because it taught me that
I am worth something."
"This was amazing and changed some parts of my life. I would LOVE to
do this again."
"I would so do it again, I would want to learn about getting friends to
come to know Christ."
It's funny to see how each student took away something different from this trip. While some of these things were silly, a few of them were deep. Whether it's a fun memory that allows a student to feel like a part of the group, or a life changing moment that impacts them forever, it's worth it.
One thing I took away from this trip was the feeling of a "youth group" that is often missing in a large student ministry. It was nice to connect with a small group of students and see them interact with and encourage each other. I have so many memories of silly, embarrasing, and life changing moments from the trips that my youth group took together when I was their age. I'm happy to see them having the same kind of experiences.
So while I'm still unpacking my luggage, I hope that their still unpacking the memories and lessons they learned on Spring Break '09. And I'm off to do some more laundry!