Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm going to be an aunt!

In case you didn't know...about 2 months ago, I found out that I'm going to be an aunt. My brother and sis-in-law got married in October and are already working on adding to the family. He's my only sibling and I'm not married yet, so this is the first baby in the family for us. They're all going to be living in Haiti and will rarely visit the states, so this baby will probably be overwhelmed with gifts and attention whenever she comes stateside. Seriously, we just found out last week that she's a girl and I'm already wanting to load up my cart with little cuddly pink things at Target. I'm not going to try to buy her love, but I just want to be a cool aunt. I did a little google of the word "aunt" and found these I'm using these images as my checklist for being a cool aunt. How do you measure up?

Nose Ring? Check!
Big Hair? Check!
Skilled with the rocking chair? Oh yeah!

Fabulous even when wearing an eye patch? No doubt.
Can cook a delicious breakfast and wears stylish scarves? Could not describe me better.

1 comment:

Dad said...

What's the eyepatch?