Normally at this time on Mondays, I'm running around making sure I have all the supplies I need for the 7th Grade Girls' Bible Study. I felt a little sad today realizing that I wasn't going to hang out with the girls because we wrapped up our study last week. Although we're done for the semester, we’re planning on picking this group back up next year.
On the last day I asked the girls to give me their feedback about the Bible Study. I asked them to let me know their favorite part, least favorite part, and if they'd do it again.
This is what some of them said:
"My favorite things was learning that boys aren't everything, and that God
is my one true love."
"I would definitely do this again because I'm not only learning more about
God...I'm doing it with my friends!"
"The Secret of Self-Worth was my favorite lesson because it taught me that
I am worth something."
"This was amazing and changed some parts of my life. I would LOVE to
do this again."
"I would so do it again, I would want to learn about getting friends to
come to know Christ."
God truly must have blessed anything that came out of my mouth, because I can assure you it was nothing profound when I was forming it. For the most part, their only complaints about the study were that they had to walk from school, that the lessons were too short, and that they were sad it was ending.
To be honest, any success of this study had very little to do with me. The girls created the buzz and brought their friends. I'm so proud of the way they committed to the study every week. We had a consistent group of about 18-26 girls over the 8 weeks, most of them brought their Bibles, and all of them participated in the conversations.
It touches my heart to know that this study made a difference in several of these girls' lives. I loved getting to know them and can't wait to do this again next year.
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