Monday, January 26, 2009

In Her Shoes

Today was a great day. We kicked off the 7th Grade Girls' Bible Study this afternoon. 19 girls from four schools showed up at 3:00 and over half of them walked from their school. When they plopped down on the couch at the Wasson's house, they were ready to talk, share, and learn. I loved seeing all their precious little faces, hearing their chatter, and knowing the potential of this group.

Tonight one of the girls texted me about a problem with her friend. It reminded me how hard it is to be in her shoes. Honestly, you couldn't pay me to go back to 7th grade. It was such a hard time of life for me. I struggled with my self-image, mean girls, attention from boys, and wanting to just be like everyone else. But I made it through...and they will too.

In Her Shoes

Will You use me to touch this girl's life..
Will she stand up when she knows something's right...
Will she stumble and trip through the halls of her school...
Or will she learn to walk confidently IN HER OWN SHOES?

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