While we're on the subject of New Year's resolutions. I'll let you in on my resolution for 2009: to get better control of my financial life.
Dave Ramsey and my dad would be so proud. I want to 1)start thinking more about where my money is going, 2) pay off some debt, and 3) get serious about saving for the future.
In order to get started on this, and partially out of necessity, I've really been trying to cut back on my daily spending. My spending adds up on things like eating out for every meal, Starbucks and Sonic drinks in the afternoon, or just picking up frivolous items from Target.
This week, I decided I was going to have a day when I spent absolutely no money. So when my friend Emily called me to hang out I was a little worried that I couldn't do it. But we conquered the challenge:

We used giftcards for Starbucks (free)
She got a refill on her iced coffee (practically free...54 cents)
Browsed through a bookstore (free)
Picked up
free cosmetics at the Galleria (free)
I didn't think I could do it, but I had a night out with my friend without spending money. So here's my challenge for myself and every other shopaholic out there:
Set aside at least one day a week when you intentionally spend no money. I think it will be a good practice in self-control and in the long run it might even make a difference in the piggy bank.